Thursday, 17 May 2012


What a horrible night. I learnt my lesson. I won't ever be responsible for huge things. Only those times, when I'll be absolutely sure, that I can do it. 
I needed to make a video for a whole class as a physics creative project. And I did everything. I was doing the video for the past week 2-3 hours a day, but last 3 days I've given almost 20 hours of my time to do it. And I don't really know what to blame. Sony Vegas, my computer or my self? The video won't render. I stayed up till I needed to go to school. Brought my laptop to show the teacher, that everything is done, but the technologies disappointed us. 
Even though I let down the whole class, feel awful myself, damaged my nerves for a fucking physics project, I think everything will be ok. 
I watched latest episode of Glee and felling a bit better now. 


  1. jei gerai supratau,tai viskas issitryne:o vargsiukeee,kokiai pamokai darei? Ir kuo toks svarbus tas darbas buvo?:(

    1. Ne išsitrynė, o tiesiog nėjo išsaugot video. Projektas yra, o pačio video išsaugot neina:/ Dariau fizikai, o projektas svarbus tuo, kad čia mūsų paskutinis kūrybis darbas, ir iš klasės labai mažai kas pasiėmė fiziką kitas metais, tai galvojom tokį grandiozinį padaryti. :)

  2. aš ir bijau kai darau kokį darbą...;D
