Thursday, 30 August 2012


 The summer is almost over. As cheesy as it'll sounds like, I'm not ready to go back. Even though every fall seemed like a new beginning in the past, I don't have the feeling this year. The year I need it the most.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Let's do this

While walking to the post today, I thought that this weather reminds me of something. Or more like someone. It seemed like it was the beginning of spring, when you can take off your jackets after a long winter and go on a bike ride. This upcoming spring I'll be already 17, waiting to have a best summer while still being a teenager. This weather made me think of what are my plans for the upcoming year, since I start 11th grade this saturday. And I got no plans. This made me scared.

I got my hair done on monday. I was feeling so good with newly done hair! And we had a little photoshoot (we just had to). I'll post some photos later, when I'll have my internet on the computer back, 'cause somehow I can go online through ny iPod and phone, but the net on the pc just doesn't want to work.

Saturday, 25 August 2012

that is it?

užbaigėm vasaros vakarėlių tvarkaraštį su green party @ lijo

Nuotraukos darytos Agnės, so check her out! 

fainas tuščias miestas ketvirtą ryto. ir šiaip, vis dar sunku atsigaut. eisiu dabar užbaigt Hamleto.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

all I gave you was goodbye

at first I thought, this is just not my day. You know that moment, when you are listening to music trough earphones and you see a friend. And don't know if their going to say something more than hey. Like, do you have to take out your earphone or just say hey back and walk away. oh god that was awkward. Or when you pick the one paprika that will slide all the others down... Or when you just started baking the cake and you know already, that it won't be good. Well, at least it looked pretty. :) later, finally got the time to write letters I was thinking of writing the whole summer. Sending tomorrow.

Also, started one more thing I wanted to start awhile ago. It's my books of quotes!

 PS. If anyone is interested, my first quote is " You'll never be as young as you are now".

Tuesday, 21 August 2012


Kaip jau minėjau, savaitgalį praleidau su šeimyna Estijoje. Kelionės tikslas buvo pažintinis. Aplankyti Saremų salas ir Taliną. Dvi naktis miegojome viešbutyje. Kelionės pradžioje galvojau, kad po kiekvienos dienos pasižymėsiu ką turiu paminėti bloge... iPode yra vienas įrašas. Vieninteliai žodžiai : 1 diena. :D
Pati kelionė buvo gana varginanti, nes visgi važiavome autobusu. Pirmas dvi dienas keliavom po Saremų salas. Aplankėm Saaremaa, Hiiumaa ir Muhu salas. Įspūdingos vietos, daug įdomios istorijos, laukinė gamta, nuostabūs vaizdai. Antrosios dienos vakare jau buvom Taline. Neįsivaizduojat, koks jausmas buvo. Gamta man visada buvo artima, bet supratau, kad esu visiška miestietė, kai skaityti pro autobuso langą parduotuvių pavadinimus buvo geriau nei vaikščioti akmenų labirintais.

Talliinn's tv tower lobby. 

This chair reminded me of Ashley Tisdale photoshoot, so I needed to take a picture!

 There was a concert a night before. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find any video or information about it.

This bell was built to honor the kids that lost their lives in an awful tragedy 1994 august 28.

A really old train station that even had a train that looked like from Back to the future movie!

And for a second I felt like Katniss from Hunger games :D

This reminded me of Harry Potter!!!

Hotel freak. This one after the first one we had was 100% better. Like, how can hotel's don't have wifi? Well, the last one didn't.

Took a walk with my dad while my mom was sleeping in hotel. Yeah, the view was amazing, but the smell...

le familia

Thursday, 16 August 2012

buvo taip šalta, kad net dantys drebėjo. o man tai ypatingai nebūdinga. visa susitraukus, suveltais plaukais, kelis litus įspraudus į kišenę bėgau ieškodama bet ko sušildančio. mielam pardavėjui sakau, "man kavos. daug"; "stiprios ir karštos?"; "prašau". nebenorėjau užmigt.

išvažiuoju su šeimyna į estiją savaitgaliui. jsyk.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012


kol dar gyva prisiminimais.

satta outside 2012. vien todėl, kad buvau ir praeitais metais, prisimenant iškart pradedu lygint. žinoma, ši buvo geresnė. praeiti metai buvo kažkas nepaprasto vien dėl to, kad pirmas festivalis gyvenime. viskas nauja ir nepažystama. visko daug ir neįtikėtinai gerai. 
šiais metais patys atlikėjai sattoje nepaliko tokio galinga įspūdžio, kaip praeitais metais. tada galingai ištaškė The Gaslamp killer, Machinedrum ir Mike Slott. Šiais metais užsienietiškai sužavėjo tik MRK1 ir Dorian Concept.

dar kartą įsimylėjau beatmeikerius. aš negaliu. man kiekviena ta šypsenėlė po gero dropo pas juos atsirandanti yra kažkas nuostabaus. 

ritmo kovos buvo kažkas nepaprasto. kai nenusakomas skaičius žmonių klykia ir ploja už tai, kad sugebėjai per minutę ištaškyt yra nuostabu! visi pasirodė nuostabiai, didžiuojuos, kad Lietuvoje ( ir ne tik) yra tiek gabių ir modernių žmonių. 

ir šiaip. myliu festivalius. tik tiek. dėkui. enjoy the photos. 

while i'm still living in memories.

satta outside 2012. of course, this one was better than the last year's. last year was amazing just because it was my first festival ever. everything was new and amazing. 
i guess for this year, artists wise, i had pretty big expectations. last year The Gaslamp killer, Machinedrum and Mike Slott smashed everything. this year that managed to do just MRK1 and Dorian Concept.

and yet again i fell in love with beatmakers. every smile after an amazing drop or huge bass level on their faces gives me a feeling i don't know what to call.

Renegades of Bump was something unreal too. that moment when insanely big crowd of people are screaming for the artist just because they loved their work is amazing. everyone were great and now I'm proud that Lithuania ( and not only LT ) has so many talented and modern people! 

and i guess that's it. still loving festivals. thanks. enjoy the photos. :) 


 Let's HA!R