Wednesday, 9 January 2013

after light

There's way too much on my mind and i don't know how to collect all of these thoughts. Where to start and where to end.
I was really looking forward for the premiere of The perks of being a Wallflower and didn't watch the movie online. But now that the premiere got canceled, i watched it. It was so emotional i can't even describe it. If a person haven't read the book, he will probably see it as a simple romantic drama for teenagers. But there's really much more to that. Somehow i managed to cry the whole movie. I'm just glad it was late at night and everyone was sleeping, cause i swear i was looking awful after watching it. The next day i watched it again. And the next. It's just so perfect.
A few days ago, i even wrote a letter to the main character Charlie. It was a heart touching letter. And i don't know how does it make me feel. I mean, i wrote about happy things and things that made me smile, but also it makes me sad that it's just a letter for a fictional character.
By the way, speaking of smiling, I've heard about this idea: every time someone or something make you smile, write it down on a piece of paper and put it in a jar or something. The idea is to write those notes a whole year, and at the end of 2013 read all of them and remember how good your year was. OR! Just anytime you feel depressed or sad, just open the box and read all those happy memories. I guarantee it will make you feel better.

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