Wednesday, 12 September 2012


So, some of you may not know that I live in a small town in west of Lithuania. But I also live near city we call Klaipėda. It's about 20 mins of bus driving from my town. And so I just wanted to tell you how amazingly good I felt inside today.
I was rushing after 6 lessons to get to the bus station, just because I needed to be on time for my dentist appointment. I got lower braces on. (And that feels like hell!) After a few minutes of agony, I thought of two options: I can go home with my dad in a half an hour and save some money or I could spend another day in this city and enjoy some time for myself. I chose option 2. 
I put my earphones in, turned on American boy by Estelle and walked to the beat. Went to have some sushi. Later spent some hours reading in a cafe with my favorite coffee (peppermint mocha!:O) and reading. Some of you may think that it's strange to sit by myself in a cafe and should have that "forever alone" feeling, but that is soooo not me. I felt so happy inside, that I can do whatever I want, where ever I wanted and won't have any pressure about seeing someone and looking desperate, just because not a lot of my friends spend time on a weekday in a cafe. 

This was on monday, the day without coffee, so i had to get a smoothie instead. 

By the way, I also wanted to mention this amazing site! I love it. It inspires me to read so much! Right now I'm reading Alchemic and I'm so into it. Even though I'm in the middle of reading it, I can say, this is a really good book. 


  1. man irgi patinka daryti stuff pačiai vienai, nes tada viską galiu susiplanuoti, kaip aš noriu. dažniausias stuff, kuri viena darau, tai apsipirkinėjimas, nes būnu parduotuvėse kiek noriu ir einu į parduotuves kokias tik noriu, o kai einu su draugėm tai tenka ir ilgiau palaukt kokioj not interesting parduotuvėj arba greit išeit iš mylimos parduotuvės.

    1. Būtent! Vaikščiojau pirmadienį pati viena. Ėmiau viską, ko paprastai nesimatuočiau, ir pati nustebau net :O

  2. alchemikas nereali knyga! laabai pamokanti

    1. Labai patinka ir man ji! Jau pora superinių citatų išsirinkau dar knygos skaityt nebaigus!
