Sunday, 28 October 2012

Prisiminsim tuos ketvirtadienius. Kaip skubėdavom per tiltą su kavos puodeliais ir šnekėdavom angliškai ir visi aplinkui žiūrėdavo keistais žvilgsniais, o mes tiesiog siekiam savo svajonių ir tobulėjam psichologiškai. 
PS. paskutinės nuotraukos esmė: man laaaabai nepatinka ką dregmė daro mano plaukučiams :/

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

kai visiem užėjo ta 'rudens euforiją', aš buvau visiškai pasimetus, ir nieko tame "rudeny" neįžvelgiau. šiandien einant Klaipėdoje parke pamačiau krentančius ryškiai geltonus lapus, o dar ausinukuose grojo naujas Taylor Swift albumas. aplankė ir mane ta trumpa euforija.
viskas šią žiemą man bus juoda. viskas. juoda juoda juoda. buvau pamiršus kaip myliu.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

easy peasy lemon squeezy 
having my day tomorrow
coffee & the perks of being a wallflower in the park <3

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

pavadinimai prarandą prasmę

6 arbatos puodelis. rytoj į LCC. nenoriu aš to Hamleto analizuot. dėjau. \\

Monday, 15 October 2012


Vakar supratau, kaip nesikankinti dėl kamuojančių minčių. Jas reikia tiesiog užrašyti. Griebiau artimiausia elektroninę priemonę ( mat tušinukai šiais laikais retai kur mėtosi) ir išdėliojau mintis "notepade". Tai iš dalies padėjo, bet tikriausiai teks ištrinti, nes vis grįžtu prie tų pačių žodžių "aš turbūt vistiek neturėčiau ką pasakyti".

Moment of honestySomeone's gotta take the lead tonightWhose it gonna be?I'm gonna sit right hereAnd tell you all that comes to meIf you have something to sayYou should say it right nowYou ready?
You give me a feeling that I never felt beforeIt's becoming something that's impossible to ignoreAnd I can't take it

Net išsigandau, kaip tiksliai viską apibūdino.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

where dreams are made, oh

I mean, how do you even describe that kind of emotions.
PS. Checking your sent messages and finding something you don't remember about completely is not a good feeling.

Saturday, 13 October 2012


Almost two years ago, while me and my friend were participating in an exchange program, we had a free day and decided, that we will leave our turkish friends my friend's room to enjoy the facebook. While we made waffles ( we shared with them, don't think we are that mean :D). We downloaded new Vampire Diaries ( i think it even was the first season!) episode and relaxed. Somehow it was really memorable, so we decided to do it again sometime. This 'sometime' was yesterday, after two years :DD

Monday, 8 October 2012

Sunday, 7 October 2012


Went shopping on a Saturday to reward myself for going through a rough week.

Friday, 5 October 2012

two songs i can't get out of my head. the lyrics and the meaning just kills me inside. also, starting  LCC lectures from October 18th. new experiences coming up. Can't wait :)

"And it's dark in a cold December, but I've got ya to keep me warm"

The guy I fell in love with. Again. 

"One day baby, we'll be old
And think of all the stories that we could have told"

Stuck in my head. 

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

This is all I've been thinking about for two weeks now. Next week will be the same. And the next. And the next.
Whoever said, that 11th grade will be the best (parties/school/friends/experiences wise) didn't have 4 A levels.